Past & Future Artists in Residency + Open Call STAGES#2

Past & Future Artists in Residency + Open Call STAGES#2


At the end of 2024, we look back at three fruitful technical-dramaturgical residencies at A Two Dogs Company, and look forward to hosting three new residents in 2025.
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Technical-dramaturgical residencies

At the end of 2024, we look back at three fruitful technical-dramaturgical residencies at A Two Dogs Company, and look forward to hosting three new residents in 2025. These residencies are an essential part of ATDC's commitment to sharing its expertise, acquired over two decades of creating Kris Verdonck’s work at the intersection of visual and performing arts. 

In addition to offering technical research support from the technical team, residents can make use of the wood and metal workshop as well as a range of media devices in stock. If needed and desired, the ATDC team offers dramaturgical, artistic, productional and organizational advice. 

In 2025 we welcome fyllenia grigoriou and Judith Van Oeckel. A third residency, STAGES, is co-organized with iMAL – Art Centre for Digital Cultures & Technology, and reflects ATDC’s focus on transdisciplinary art practices.