Ich möchte alles, was ich fühl, nicht fühlen
und ganz allein sein. Nein, nicht ganz allein.
Ich möchte gern zwei Hunde sein
und miteinander spielen.
‘Spleen’, Friedrich Torberg
The artistic practice of Kris Verdonck has developed and expanded in a very fruitful way over the last few years. His projects have been presented on stages as well as in museums in Belgium and abroad. This growth can only be consolidated if a small flexible organisation can follow up and structure the work on a permanent basis.
Theatre is never made alone: it is no longer the work of one dog, but about the practice of several dogs that play together. That’s why Kris Verdonck has chosen a name inspired by Friedrich Torberg’s poem, ‘Spleen’: A Two Dogs Company.
Sadly enough, the company and Kris Verdonck lost Marianne Van Kerkhoven, one of the leading voices in the Flemish theatre as a dramaturge and writer. She accompanied the work of Kris Verdonck since the very beginning. Bart Verhaegen, a friend of the company since many years, passed away in September 2016.
A Two Dogs Company started a residency in the Kaaitheater in Brussels in 2010.
The company is structurally supported by the Flemish authorities and the Flemish Community Commission (VGC).